As we celebrate International Women’s Day, I find myself reflecting on the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead for women in the engineering industry. As a female CEO, I am committed to creating a workplace that empowers and supports our employees while embracing the latest advancements in technology.

3 Things I’m Looking Forward To In 2024

  1. Enhancing Productivity To Benefit Our Team: My top priority is improving productivity to provide more value back to our dedicated employees. Through initiatives like Employee Share Opportunities (ESOP) and setting productivity benchmarks, we aim to offer competitive wages that reflect their hard work, making our recruitment process as attractive as possible.
  2. Adopting Industry 4.0 Technologies: The potential of AI and Machine Learning in transforming our production and administrative processes is immense. From utilising cobots for more efficient production to leveraging AI for tasks like AP processing, our goal is to significantly streamline operations and embrace technological advancements for better efficiency.
  3.  Valuing Travel & Life Experiences: Balancing hard work with meaningful travel experiences is essential. As we look forward to celebrating a significant personal milestone with a trip to Italy, it’s a reminder of the importance of recharging and gaining new perspectives through travel.

6 Hints & Tips For Career And Personal Growth

Here are some tips that have helped me in my career, that may be helpful to you.

  1. Authenticity Is Key: Embrace your uniqueness and surround yourself with people who support and resonate with you, forming your own “tribe.”
  2. Confidence In Action: Don’t hesitate to take on new challenges, even without knowing it all or having it all and working it out as you go. Trusting in your ability to learn and adapt is crucial.
  3. Leverage Your Strengths & Weaknesses: Being aware of your strengths and areas for improvement allows you to strategically position yourself for success by surrounding yourself with a team that complements your skills.
  4. Build Your Support Network: Seeking guidance from a mentor, joining a networking group, or even consulting with a therapist offers you an independent space to voice your thoughts and challenges. This outside perspective can help you refine your ideas and feelings, offering fresh insights.
  5. Holistic Self-Care: Set realistic goals and maintain a balanced approach to your well-being. Remember, success is a marathon, not a sprint. Set achievable goals and milestones, rather than fads.
  6. Focus On The Individual During Recruitment: When hiring, prioritise the candidate’s personal qualities and potential to grow with your company. You can focus on what drives them, their passions, hobbies and who they are as a person.  This will tell you about their morals & behaviours. Skills can be taught, but a good cultural fit is invaluable

As we navigate the ever-changing landscape of the engineering industry, we must support and empower one another. By embracing our authentic selves, backing our abilities, and prioritising our well-being, we can create a more inclusive and innovative future for women in engineering.

Article By

Jodie Hawkes
Chief Executive Officer

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