At Bowhill Engineering, we believe that It’s our responsibility to do our best to develop feasible responses to environmental challenges. ASI Convention is an important event for us to understand the big-picture themes that our industry will deal with in the coming years. De-carbonisation, Renewable energy, Green steel, and Sustainability were the major topics covered in the event.

Together as a team, we are kicking our goals and achieving some significant milestones, but it would be naive to not recognise that there are still some challenges around the place.

These challenges affect most of us in some way, but the effects are more direct and significant for some of us.

I heard a great little saying, “everything we want is on the other side of hard”. Whilst probably oversimplified and not true in every instance, it can be a valuable lens to look at things through. Very few take the initial hard path. It’s human nature not to, of course it’s natural to want to distance ourselves from these situations.

But if we’re brave enough to take the right path from the start, it usually increases the chances of longer-term success and satisfaction. Unfortunately, most of the time, we default to taking the initial easy path and then have to deal with the resulting harder situations down the track where the long-term benefit is much more elusive than the satisfaction.

A piece of coal, when exposed to the right amount of heat and pressure transforms into a diamond.

I see us here at Bowhill as being in the diamond making business, no doubt we have many diamonds already, forged through commitment, hard work and dedication, and we have some diamonds in the making. They need support, encouragement and sometimes gentle reminders of what it takes to become a beautiful and yet immensely durable gem. We believe in our “diamonds in the making”. We are invested and passionate about their success.

However, with this lens on, trying to shield everyone from difficulties would be a downward spiral for everyone.

At Bowhill, we have an ideal environment for forming diamonds; over the years, we’ve stepped up to the plate and are playing in the sandpit with the big kids, which naturally brings challenges. By working together, we can get through these challenges, and we’ll deliver some of the most significant and exciting engineering projects in our country.

Indeed, working on major landmarks with almost every job we do is excellent, but we know there will be hard days. That’s when we can try to consider No Pressure, No Diamond. It might just give us the extra drive to overcome those things that aren’t easy to handle and to be fulfilled at the same time.