What impressed us about Riley, was his work ethic, when most kids were sleeping, Riley was milking cows before school, on weekends and during school holidays, often starting 3.15am in the morning. He often worked more than one job, whether it was a kitchen hand or harvesting in the orchards at Mypolonga.
A strong sports competitor, Riley has shined in both his cricket and football whilst an Apprentice at Boweng but he keeps that pretty quiet and he has also shined as an Apprentice at Boweng, he doesn’t mind getting his hands dirt.
Having completed Cert II Engineering Pathways via Murray Bridge High School, Riley had completed and repaired multiple structural items at home. We asked Riley to complete work experience with us in June 2021 and he started with us in November 2021. Riley already knew a couple of the other Apprentices at Boweng and was a perfect fit for our Apprentice team.