What makes an exceptional leader?
What differentiates what MOST leaders do, versus the exceptional FEW?
This concept of MOST versus FEW was discussed at our most recent TEC session. TEC’s purpose is dedicated to increasing the effectiveness & enhancing the lives of business leaders. This month we had the privilege of Gary Bertwhistle as our guest speaker. His talk on “Ideas to get your MOJO going” challenged the ideal of being content, are you enough and feeling complete.
Many of us are stuck in the Gap of IDEAL, we compare ourselves – money, jobs, homes, kids sport what we need to focus on more is the notion of GAIN look back over the past day, week, month and find 3 wins.
If we use the example of a child basketballer to explain the difference between GAP & GAIN
- Gap – Not tall enough, not fast enough, not skilled enough (things not within your control)
The child will never feel content - Gain –went for run, ate healthy, got to bed early, practiced 1hr (things within your control)
The child is learning about discipline & control
We are in control of the GAIN and get motivation by seeing how far we have come.
People who have lost their mojo are often lacking; unfocused, distracted, busy, have no time, too much to do, too much info, not sure where to start, feel overwhelmed or anxious.
It’s time to stop the hamster wheel and reset – it’s time to start working smarter, not harder.
It’s not about time management, it’s about energy management. We are all given the same amount of time. You can have all the time in the world, but if you don’t have the energy to do, then you don’t get very far. You can’t control the GAP, but you can control the GAIN. The 1% items, small steps you can take towards your ideal. When it comes to energy; are you getting enough sleep, drinking enough water, eating a healthy & balanced diet, doing a bit of exercise and getting a daily dose of sunshine? These things are mostly free or relatively cheap and they are the foundational building blocks of having enough energy.
- Other way to think about it is “Going Right”
- On the left is mediocrity > on the right are high standards
- On the left is status quo > on the right is innovative & challenged
- On the left is busy > on the right is having intention
- On the left is distracted > on the right is having focus
- On the left is excuses > on the right is pro active
- On the left is average > on the right is high performer
Do you want to stay left (like MOST) or go right (and become the exceptional FEW?)
It’s your choice, its about discipline, you make your own commitment to do something, it is a mindset. Tell yourself “I am” rather than “I will try”. The decision is your own, only you have the control, the choice is yours.

To further distinguish yourself from the MOST to become the FEW…
- FEW – think about & plan their day, the night before
- FEW – unlearn and learn with curiosity, identify & remove the stigma of how things have previously been done, detach yourself and learn anew – to think the same is to be the same.
- FEW – be clear with their decision making, “I will” rather than “I’ll try”
- FEW – frame their mindset to focus on WIN (What’s important now) – there’s lots to do, but give my full attention to one thing at a time and do it properly
- FEW – Reflect (RRR – Result, Reason, Reaction) – Reflection is an important debrief tool, what went well, what could I have done better. If we just jump to the next thing without properly reflecting then we loose the opportunity to improve.
Let’s forget about the GAP and look at the GAIN. What’s the 1% small change you can make now towards becoming one of the exceptional FEW?