At Bowhill, we always look inwards for future leaders, our best and brightest have almost always come from within the business. And if there’s staff that are showing their interest and ambition, putting their hand up to grow, learn and prepare themselves for upcoming opportunities then it’s a natural and exciting chance to reward peoples dedication and forward thinking with a growth opportunity.
There’s exciting times ahead as we grow and transition towards the company that we have set ourselves to be in the coming years.
Staying with this theme, we believe that Tom has shown these attributes and is exactly the right person to grow into an operations manager role
Timing is right to take advantage of his upcoming long service leave in June as a catalyst to get ready for the first stage of this transition.
The production team are seeing the changes starting to happen in the leadership structure, the responsibilities and shifting and Boweng want to support and encourage our future leaders to help take on some of Tom’s current responsibilities so that he can successfully grow into new ones.
For aspiring leaders, I encourage you to take all opportunities for learning so that you are as ready as possible for the challenge when it arrives and with the growth it will arrive, the question is, will you be ready when it does?
Recognition of current and past long serving staff
I stand and look at the new poster on the wall and pride wells up inside me. I have been here my whole career, people have come and gone, and many would leave it at that, but we believe the contributions of all staff, particularly those that are listed on the wall at 5 years + service need recognition!
Without long term commitment, the best most transformational work is left undiscovered, unrealised and undone leaving a business that is achieving less than it’s potential.
The long termers have seen highs and lows, in most cases helped us improve. They consistently do this using their experience to help progress the business and for that, the Hawkes family are forever grateful. This is where we see the most powerful stories of “together we thrive” people on a journey of improvement, growth and self-awareness, better equipped, more experienced and often a better version of themselves for their time here at Boweng.
We want to be the kind of place where good people want to stay, they want to contribute and grow together with the organisation to realise their full potential amongst other driven yet caring piers. Where we all working together to overcome significant challenges and reap the rewards of sharing an exciting and dynamic atmosphere of constantly flowing success.
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