With this Complex 3 dimensional shape, irregular bays, and a tight timeline there were many traps, but we used a professional approach to this challenge and factored in an allocation for extensive temporary steelwork into our bid.
With close coordination, we designed this temporary steelwork together with our own engineering and drafting professionals to mistake-proof our permanent fabricated items. We treated the temp steel like part of the product and gave it the attention that it needed to achieve the precision. This coordination was the key to the successful manufacture and problem free fit-up of the modules on site over the operating rail corridor (closed for only 2 hours each half).
Accuracy was the key to the success of this project, the very complex project progressed on schedule with the amount of site activities reduced and made safer for all trades due to the sound methodology that was developed at the start of the project.
The highly scrutinised 3 coat system architectural finish on 13 of large modules required minimal site repairs due to the bolted connection between the modules.