Supply and installation of 940 lineal metres of Crane Runway Beams for upgrade of an existing facility, Beams supplied fabricated and surface treated for firstly install, then billet install and welding to a class 2 code. Total weight of 185.18 tonnes, delivered in bay staged batches to be installed and commissioned by a strict deadline.

What elements helped to make Bowhill’s offer (tender) unique and/or valuable?
Their “Willingness to work through multiple options” and the “ability to complete the works in the required timeframes

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Project Details

Project Description: Due to its age, the existing building was inconsistent and made retrofitting overhead gantry cranes challenging. Without provision for packing and alignment in the design solution, mounting the crane beams directly to the original mullions was not feasible. Boweng worked with the asset owners and designers to adopt a packer plate system that allowed the sheds mullion base to be fabricated, surveyed and welded prior to the beam install; ensuring installation tolerances were compliant with the crane code.
Client: McMahon
Client Contact: Craig Hammond, Ben Moore
Year: 2024
Project Categories
  • Cost
  • Design Input
  • Innovation
  • Time