This sizeable structure needed careful planning to ensure that it could get to site safely and efficiently on road transport. Coordination with MCD’s engineering team uncovered some great options for splice locations to allow for practical modularisation. This process helped to reduce the risk of any fit-up issues but also significantly reduced the amount of on-site work. Detailed items such as polyurethane coated adjustable rollers, handrails, walkway flooring, timber guide strips and rubber lining were assembled in Bowhill’s workshop prior to delivery, allowing the MCD site team to hit the ground running once it arrived. Boweng production staff were able to use temporary steel struts to ensure that accuracy was maintained at the critical locations whilst welding. and final trial assembly ensured that the structural accuracy was maintained ready for efficient on-site assembly by the MCD team. Achieving the tight timeline to construct these items was only possible through good sequencing as well as Bowhill’s project team ensuring careful coordination with MCD and their designers for a seamless result. Another success as a result of a true team effort with valued Client McConnell Dowell.