Jodie Hawkes, the CFO of Bowhill Engineering, has joined Kristian Livolsi for the first podcast episode of Business Growth Mindset featuring the Inspiring Heartfelt Business Success Stories.

Kristian Livolsi is the Business Strategist & Advisor and the CEO of Business Growth Mindset. 

In this episode, Kristian asks some hard questions to Jodie:

  • What’s the biggest challenge in your role/business/project right now, and how are you tackling it? 
  • What should I ask you that I don’t know enough to ask? 
  • Tell me about a customer that was inspiring or touched your heart, and tell me about a customer that changed your business.
  •  What’s your biggest failure—and what did you learn from that experience? 
  • If you could turn back the time and talk to your 18-year-old self, what would you tell them? 

It is a great session where we hear the purpose and values of Bowhill Engineering. We get to know more on how Jodie gets the job done, stays focused, and ensures that the goals and objectives of Bowhill are met. 

Jodie also shared a book recommendation 📚 Greenlights by Matthew McConaughey with the listeners.