Leigh Tobin joined the Bowhill Engineering Surface Treatment Team in 2019 having no prior industry experience in Surface Preparation & Coating.

Proving to be a reliable and keen to learn, Leigh moved from Abrasive Blasting into Industrial Spray Painting, and through the initiative of Bowhill Engineering approaching South West TAFE to return to SA to deliver Certificate III in Surface Preparation & Coating, started a Traineeship in 2021.

From there, Leigh has upskilled and moved from Surface Treatment Team Member to Surface Treatment Team Leader and completed his AMPP Basic Coatings Inspector/CIP Level 1 Certification in 2024.

We enjoy watching Leigh’s skills, capabilities and leadership grow daily, supporting him with Leadership training including Mate to Manager training, being involved in our Leaders Crop and participating in our very own Boweng structured training  program for surface treatment and preparation coating.  Leigh takes enormous amount of pride in our 1000m2 surface treatment facility & our surface treatment team.