Charlotte (or Charlie) is a high achiever, starting with Bowhill Engineering prior to her Year 12 completion at Mannum Community College on a part time school-based Certificate III Business traineeship. 

Working part time after school, on weekends and competing state, nationally and even internationally in Eightball, Charlotte has held state and national junior and women champion titles.  Balancing her Year 12 studies with her MADEC delivered Cert III Business studies, Charlottes shows exceptional skills in administration, prioritizing, and setting focus blocks to achieve her goals

Moving to full time in her traineeship before the end of 2024, Charlotte has established herself as an indispensable team member of our administration team and took on key responsibilities of Role Appreciation coordination and our Work Experience program coordination early on, supporting upskill of our staff and ensuring school students have a great experience whilst at Boweng. 

Thanks for being such a superstar Charlie!