A proactive VET Coordinator, was Emanuel’s (Manny) guidance in actively looking for Metal Fabrication Apprenticeship opportunities after their discussions highlighted this was Manny’s interest following his Year 11 completion with St Francis De Sales. With Manny’s Certificate II Engineering nearing completion and with his interest expressed that he wanted to work on big things, their internet research led them to Bowhill Engineering.
A recommendation to complete work experience and booking in the September school holidays saw Manny complete one week work experience. Manny applied and was interviewed in the same week for a Metal Fabrication Apprenticeship opportunity and started his Apprenticeship late November 2024.
Manny is a mad keen soccer player, who loves being part of a team and he is certainly a great fit and a great team player at Bowhill Engineering!
Manny is a great success story of the opportunities partnerships between Schools and Industry can achieve, completing his Certificate II Engineering Pathways via the St Francis De Sales/Birdwood High School and PEER Group VET Training program and the Bowhill Engineering Work Experience and Apprenticeship Program. #togetherwethrive